Wednesday 7 August 2013

Change models

Before this mOOC and my course EDEM630 I was familiar with TAM as a theory. I had been applying it in my work as a lecturer in Ghana to understand why a student had not wanted to use word process a thesis.

Now I see many more change model and Rogers' view of the stage of adoption starting with the early adopters and ending with laggards, and may find it helpful to label colleagues in my university department and understand their behaviour more. I can see that for my department I am an early adopter.

The co-evolutionary framework helps me see that my university may need to take more of an adaptive approach with the distribution of digital technologies rather than a separate IT building. The building would be a like monument and we need to rethink how to use resources in a more responsible way for each member of the community.

I will now focus my scenario on my home university in Ghana and hopefully assist future planning even though I am away at present studying in Canterbury, New Zealand. I will be particularly interested in comments form others working up a scenario for African context.